Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Who are you supposed to be?

I got asked recently what I have learnt from the last few years leading a Church here in Taupo.
As quickly as I pondered my answer, words seemed to just fall out of my mouth...
"You need to be yourself" was my quick retort.

Since making that comment I have thought a lot about it and now I am not so happy with my answer.
It is the answer most people give these days when asked who we are supposed to be. All around the world people are celebrating the so called diversity that exists, and using the "you need to be yourself" catch phrase.

Who are you supposed to be?
This is what I think would be my answer now...

1. Be Yourself
Who has God made you to be? What are the gifts and talents He has deposited in your life?
What have you learned? What are the some of your life experiences?
What are the personal tastes you have? What's your favourite way to have eggs (Runaway Bride Movie)
They are all part of being yourself, or at least discovering it along your journey.

The world needs you to be the you that you were destined to be!
Not simply a facsimile of someone else.

The other side of this I consider is important and helps avoid the danger of arrogance, when we are focused on the me being me...
If I am a jerk by nature or by hurts and circumstance, the world doesn't need me to be myself. I need help to be more than myself. A God planned and instituted change needs to happen in my life.
I am scared that the 'just be yourself' mantra is many times trotted out as an excuse to cover over the worst of our human nature.
I know that I am called to more and to better!

2. Be Everything to Everybody
Paul said that he was everything to everybody so that he might save some.
The hint he gives is that being yourself might not quite be enough?
I truly believe we need to be ourselves, the honest version of us...and at the same time we should desire to be more than that for others.
Real love actually sees beyond our needs and who we are, to who we can be for someone else.

3. Be Salt & Light
Jesus said that His people are designed and mandated to be salt and light in the world.
People who stand out for all the right reasons and season the planet with His Kingdom.

Learning to be yourself is a journey, maybe even an art?
I think as long as we are honest with ourselves, with others, and with God, that we will be able answer our initial question.

Something to think about...

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