Tuesday, February 27, 2018

#blessed 03

Jesus actually taught on how to be #blessed.
Sitting on a hill and speaking to anyone curious enough to listen. Little by little, sentence by sentence, step by step He paints a clear pattern and picture for us today.

"Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth."
Matthew 5:5 niv

Isn't this just like Jesus, to teach us to do the opposite of how every inclination of our heart would lead us?
People normally take power by force. But here is Jesus telling us to do the opposite.
I believe it is because He isn't looking for us to take over the world by power. Power comes and goes and the Kingdom God that God is looking for can not be sustained by human will and exertion.

We will inherit the world because of our love first and foremost for Him, then next by loving those around us.
That is the plan, the agenda, the supposed MO of all who see God as their Father in Heaven.

Remember we are called to Salt and Light and to influence the world by being who we are created to be in Christ.
Not taking force in human terms. But by being ambassadors for Christ and living it our in a supernatural fashion.

I believe God wants you to influence the world around by serving and loving those in the world all the while loving God with everything you have.
This goes along for me with the example all throughout the history of Gods people, by simply following His way, trusting in Him alone...having victory over this world.

Something to think about...

Friday, February 23, 2018

A little nod...

I was walking around our town heading to a coffee meeting and I bumped into some people....
The first was a lady promoting a religion I am not a fan of, so I walked purposely past her, gave her a smile and said hello.
Crossing the Main Street I passed a someone else I didn’t know and we acknowledged each other.
Finally I am walking past a restaurant with a name a don’t like personally and the owner and I give each a little nod, acknowledging one another.

Jesus talked about love and neighbours one day. (Matthew 5:43-47 niv)
As part of that talk He mentions that if you want to live like He would like, don’t just greet people you know and like. Remember you are salt and light and treat everyone well that you can come into contact with.

As I carried on walking I felt great.
Instead of the normal religious deal of avoiding those who aren’t with you or for you, I went out of my way to include more people into my world.
I am richer for it.
The Kingdom of God is hopefully better for it...
Could you give a little nod to those you encounter today?

Something to think about...

Thursday, February 22, 2018

#blessed 02

Jesus actually taught on how to be #blessed.
Sitting on a hill and speaking to anyone curious enough to listen. Little by little, sentence by sentence, step by step He paints a clear pattern and picture for us today.

"Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted."
Matthew 5:4 niv

Maybe I am a little simplistic with this one but I don't care!
Here the deal, in fact it seems to me to be a promise...
When you face the worst moments of your life, God promises to be the very best of comfort to you.
That is the simple part.

If you are mourning any form of loss right now can I encourage you to do a few things?
1. Come to God, your Father in Heaven.
Tell Him your struggles. He will respond to you very quickly!
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to come and help you.
His name translated from original texts actually means comforter or the one called alongside.
He is ready and waiting.
3. Trust that God is sending people and angels your way.
Be patient with yourself as your grieve, there is no panic to move past your grief. Let God send people to help and angels (the Bible calls them ministering spirits).

You will be comforted...so much so that it will feel like you are #blessed. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Please don't let me copy that mistake

I am so thankful that the Word of God is pretty raw and what we call 'warts n all'...
It never shies away from the issues we face. Good and bad.
God never hides struggles in some vain attempt to portray our living by faith as easy.
God, for His own reasons, shares the struggles of others in His Word to actually help us...

I read again this week of a cool king in Judah's history.
Well he stated out as a cool king and somewhere along the way forgot about God, forgot who gave him the role, forgot all the ways God likes to help when things seem impossible.
Seemingly full of his own accumulated experience and self importance he decided through his actions that he didn't need God quite same.

Asa lead Judah against the odds in the beginning of his reign.
Enemies more skilled and numerous pretty much guaranteed his countries downfall.
So Asa cried out to God. God rescued him.
His kingdom was firmly established and things went great for a long time.

Some years later another enemy came against them in a similar manner to the time before.
Did he cry out to God? No. He used his wealth to try and buy off the struggle.
Was God happy with that strategy? No.
In fact it signalled the end of his reign.

All Asa had to do it seemed was do what he had done before.
Have a total reliance on God...

You and I can learn from this cautionary tail (actual true story).
No matter how great your life has become. No matter how long you have doing this 'Jesus thing'.
Never and I mean never loss you total reliance on God.
It is not weakness or a sign or immaturity.
It is in fact the best way to navigate your entire life following Jesus.

Something to think about...

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#blessed 01

There was something that became mockingly part of christian and entertainment culture in the last while...#blessed.
If something good happens you tweet #blessed.
If something opportunistic happens you tweet #blessed.
All this hashtag thing got me thinking after reading some things Jesus said recently.
How does a blessed life actually work?
If there something I can do to make it a reality for myself?
Or is it something that just happens because I am doing my best to follow Jesus?

Jesus actually taught on how to be #blessed.
Sitting on a hill and speaking to anyone curious enough to listen. Little by little, sentence by sentence, step by step He paints a clear pattern and picture for us today.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:3 niv

I think the Kingdom of Heaven is deliberately set up to care!
If your life is a mess?
If bad stuff has happened or is happening to you?
If you are struggling with your past?
If you are wrestling with your fears, thoughts or doubts?
Whatever is not cool in your life, the Kingdom of Heaven is ready to answer!

Over the 20 plus years of getting having the honour of ministering to others, it seems to me that the bigger the thing that is robbing your spirit, the bigger God shows up and acts on your behalf.
Invite Him...let Him...

If you are feeling "poor in spirit" in any way today, please know all of heaven is ready of you!
Angels are being sent to minister to you.
Opportunity to experience the goodness of God is at hand for you.
It is yours right now. Grab it!

May you be truly #blessed today!
Something to think about...

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Head wind both ways?

Alex and I cycled into town to do the Church cleaning this afternoon.
On the way racing to make it there on time we faced a head wind. So it seemed logical to us that we would have an easier ride home with a fresh tailwind.

To our surprise after carefully locking up the building the wind had changed direction. In the space of just over 30 minutes the weather had conspired it seems against us.
Now we were facing a head wind home instead of our expected supportive puffing from behind.
As strange as it may seem I found myself thinking "good". Now I get to cycle in a way that I know will make me stronger in the long run.

3 ...we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 
4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4 niv

I think if left to our own devices we will generally go for the easy route in life and faith.
Unfortunately easy never made anyone strong. And I want to be a strong person of faith.
In thinking more about it, I think I am fan of God building me through the things I face.

Try not to avoid the head winds of life and let God strengthen you.

Something to think about....