Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 21 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "What I Believe"

The early disciples had up to 3 years of formative training.
While they thought they knew what that all meant, maybe had written up their ministry plans based on it, that first Easter changed everything.
But it didn't negate what came before it. And that God was setting them up purposefully for what was about to come next...

If you are familiar with the accounts, essentially after that first Easter, Jesus appears, repairs and prepares them for what is coming next. And that 'next' was God's plan all along!

Jesus did 3 key things...

Appears to the grieving disciples.
Appears to others loosely connected to bring them in.

Repairs the relationship between Peter and himself.
Repairs Peter's standing with his brothers.

Prepares them with more teaching, insight, encouragement.
Prepares them with expectation "wait until you receive power!".

I can't help but feel that I can relate to 
this whole process and scenario today!

We have had many years of learning, discipleship, experimenting and more. And then everything changed with Covid-19...

We lost our ability to meet like we normally do.
Our buildings are now empty.
It is like we have been buried for a time.
But just as Jesus didn't stay buried, we won't!
The same power that rose Christ from the dead lives in us.
It lives in the Church.
For me I have a sense of building power and tension that will cause a tremendous resurrection.

I believe that when we arise in our new season, the world will see Jesus like never before.

I believe that we are about to enter our greatest season as God's people. We will soon enter or have already entered our lead up to the Churches ascension.

I believe the Holy Spirit is about to poured out in a new anointing.
The anointing for revival and the grand finale of the Church here on earth...

Something to think about...

1 comment:

JoyO'S said...

I agree with your beliefs also Locky. Great times are ahead!