Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Are you surrounded by morons?

You might be reading this right now and answering yes?
Locky I am indeed surrounded by morons.
Or you might be reading this right now and answering no?
Everyone I surround myself with are awesome.
Or you might be reading this right now and simple thinking less of me for called anyone a moron...

Well beyond getting your attention I want to make a point!
I want to encourage you to do this with you life...
Surround yourself with the people you need not just the people you want.

As someone who considers himself a disciple of Jesus, the very best thing I can do in regards to who I surround myself with is to have the whole gamut of people and their various types.
To be all that God desires for to be I need to have the broadest selection of people interactions available.
I need the morons and the mature. I need the dorky and the dedicated. I need the bright and the dull. I need the supportive and the critic. I need the saint and the sinner.

Take a moment to consider Jesus life pre ministry and during it.
He interacted with a lot of different people. His family, temple leaders, the poor and the rich, the hungry, broken and lost along with the rulers oppressing his nation. Yes he gave valued time to his disciples and those seeking to follow him, but you never see Him restricting his interactions to one group alone.

I honestly feel challenged by this and I hope maybe you do too?
We need to be wise about who we walk with and who we give our best to. Scripture backs that up. But as salt and light I want my flavour and my shine to be before as many as possible, just like Jesus.

I wonder if you are reading this and realising your world only has certain people in it.
People you allow and no one else?
Maybe you avoid some who wind you up the wrong the way?
I would love to invite you to prayerfully consider surrounding yourself with a broader base. To surround yourself with the people you need not just the people you want.
Slowly broaden your world to include others you might not have considered before.
Don't run away from people, conflict and some drama too quickly. God might to use that to mature you or be of help. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

Heres a great list to check.
Make sure you have these people in your life...

  • People to love
  • People to serve
  • People to lead
  • People to follow
  • People to friend
  • People to fight with
  • People to challenge you
  • People to give your very life for!

Something to think about...

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