Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Please sow only in the way you want to reap.

I can certainly vouch for scripture and the principles we are encouraged to espouse there-in.
Give it long enough and you begin to see them play out in our personal lives, private lives, corporate and Church lives.

You have probably heard this saying...
You reap what you sow.
Online dictionaries explain it simply like this:
You eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions.

Galatians 6:7 NIV says "...a man reaps what he sows."
Other translations help show just how simple this principle actually is.
"For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest." TPT
"Whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap." AMP

Some years before becoming the Pastor I am today, I worked for a business that was made up of many agencies. Essentially we had the 'rights' to sell and support various brands of engineering equipment from many reputable overseas businesses.
After many years of faithfully serving the owners I learned just how they came to have this business. My boss used to work as the General Manager of a very similar enterprise. He essentially set us his new business by stealing the agencies away for himself. That in turn attracted some of the staff he used to manage and there you have it - a ready made business for himself.

That point of telling this is not to have a go at my old employer but to show the true power of scripture. He ultimately reaped the harvest he sowed many years before.
Not long after I left the company one by one he lost these prized agencies to others.
I understand this caused upset and disappointment. He would have felt ripped off.
In light of what I began with, I believe scripture proved itself in the course of time.

I guess this simple thought is both an encouragement and reminder.
First that God's Word is exactly as it promises. It is sharper than any two edged sword. It gets into lives and situations. It always comes true because the creator of it backs it up.
Secondly it is a warning to consider how we build, how we deal with others, how we act in this world. As a follower of Christ I am looking for a harvest of righteousness so I need to sow that very thing to get it.

When I see others sowing in a way that is not righteous to get what they want, it makes me honestly very nervous for them.
Sowing discord will eventually reap you discord.
Sowing in jealousy will eventually reap you a jealousy harvest.
Trying to build your life, your business, your ministry or your Church in a way that is not right will eventually reap a pretty uncomfortable harvest. It might take a while but eventually we each reap was what sown in the past.

Check out what it says next in Galatians for a moment...
"...the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in." Galatians 6:8-9 AMP

Something to think about...

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