Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Check yourself

Watch your life and doctrine closely. 
Persevere in them, because if you do, 
you will save both yourself and your hearers. 
1 Timothy 4:16 niv

A very influential Church Leader is being reported to have told his people to not worry about the 10 commandments. According to his recent sermon he sites different New Testament passages to back his thoughts.
Many are expressing concern over his doctrine.

An article I read recently expressed well something I have noticed recently, where many people (especially the young) make sweeping statements about Jesus, how He behaved, how He sees life for us, that bears no resemblance to the Jesus in the Gospels.

I personally thinks Pauls charge to Timothy applies to all and for all time.
You have to be very conscientious with your life and doctrine.
You have to be wary of your own propensity to self justify based on many factors.

Can I encourage you to do some of this?
Keep checking yourself against the teachings of Christ.
Keep being discipled and lead by someone over you (no matter how experienced you might believe you are).
Keep studying Jesus from scripture, what He said, what He is saying to you, and let it challenge and stir you.
As Paul soberly mentions elsewhere, others before us have 'shipwrecked their faith' and 'pierced themselves with many griefs', and that is such a waste!

Let's help each other. 
Let's remind ourselves to measure ourselves against what is right and true and 'biblical' - even if it grates us or offends us.
I would rather God challenge the very soul of me than miss the mark one more day.

Something to think about...

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