Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Not supposed to be that complicated

At the core of our following Jesus, having faith in God, I believe it is not supposed to be that complicated. Yes I might not be always be that easy, but it was never meant to be complicated.

Jesus famously said things like "Love God and Love Others", that those two things summed up the law, God's expectations and more. Do that and you are on the right track...
Jesus did something for us we would never be able to do for ourselves, by giving His life as a sacrifice to sort out of the "salvation issues" for us. His work one the cross and conquering death removed the complicated from the equation.

Here are some key components for my faith...

  • Worship God
  • Serve Him and Others
  • Pray
  • Read the Bible
  • Share Faith and Resources
  • LOVE
  • Just Keep Going

The moment it seems to me that we avoid, stop or remove any of those components, that's when the complicated comes in.
Probably because we are replacing them with something else.
And the something else fills a gap in us but never satisfies, so our frustration grows and grows...

Whenever I am feeling a bit flat or wondering why, it is normally because I have neglected one or a few of these components.
Whenever I am asked to counsel someone over their faith struggles, generally it is the same for them.

So my challenge to myself and to you today is to take a quick inventory and see what might be missing. Next don't beat yourself up but pick yourself up and get back on it...

The Spirit of God will help you.
You will continue to grow in Him.
And it will make so much more sense...

Something to think about...

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