Wednesday, August 08, 2018

God has planned something better for us

I was struck by this statement near the very end of the famous 'faith chapter' in Hebrews!

Since God had planned something better for us 
so that only together with us would they be made perfect. 
Hebrews 11:40 niv

In the lines and verses proceeding Paul works his way through a whose who of faith.
Able, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and more.
While their stories had different turns and moments, the basis for all was exactly the same.
They actually lived out their faith with passion, purpose and power.

You can be forgiven I think for your nerves rising up as you then discover others in this speech where shipwrecked, sawn in two, and other less than comfortable expressions of faith.
They too were doing what they could to live by faith, and yet came to sometimes to sticky end.

And Paul brings us back with some relief...
"God had planned something better for us"

Please know today that while you may face challenges, they probably won't for the majority of us include a wreck ship or a nasty saw...
God has something better planned for you.
They never got to see the power of God like we can.
They never got the benefit of Gods Word in the form of the scriptures.
They never got to live out their faith with over 2 Billion others across the globe.
God had something better planned for you.

Whatever you are facing this week, please remind yourself of this truth.
Add faith to your current.
Declare to yourself that you will stand.
As you do you are honouring those who came before you.
And you are saying "YES" to the better that God has planned for you.

Something to think about...

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