Thursday, November 16, 2017

Holy Spirit & ______ Part 2

I was recently struck by something...
It seemed to me that every time the Holy Spirit was mentioned in scripture there was always 'an and' to accompany His mention.

After doing my own study I was surprised by the scope of it.
Not only is the Holy Spirit here to give us power, to minister to us and through us, He does even more. Kind of like one of those old tv infomercials - "but wait there is more..."
Maybe that is the point or revelation I have been having, there is indeed more with the Holy Spirit added to your faith? And there is always more!

For a number of weeks I have been preaching at our fantastic Church around this concept.
You can catch some of it if you like on our podcasts?

Today I wanted to encourage you with more!
Here are a sample of Holy Spirit and can you experience right now...

Holy Spirit and Faith
He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord. Acts 11:24 NIV

Faith always accompanies a person filled with the power of God.
So if you perceive to be lacking in faith, maybe more of the Holy Spirit will actually change you perspective on your faith levels?
I believe the Holy Spirit opens you eyes to the possibilities that faith will bring and the courage to step out into it. Remember you only need a mustard seed size faith to move a mountain in your life!

Holy Spirit and Miracles
I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law? Of course not! It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ. 
Galatians 3:5 NLT

It should be the expectation that miracles both large and small follow someone living under the power and anointing of the Spirit. That is the normal for any follower of Christ.
In the last week I have had small miracle after miracle and I am believing for more!
In fact I have a healthy expectation of it in the middle of all that seems impossible.
I find the Holy Spirit prompting to me please believe and expect.

Holy Spirit and Prophecy
His father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. Luke 1:67 NIV

There is not one person on this earth that I have met that doesn't want to hear directly from God.
They are just sometimes wondering what God might say to them...
When the Holy Spirit is around, prophecy is active.
It is where God uses you or someone around you to speak something from the heart and throne room of God. The majority of the time is to all about our encouragement. Sometimes it is about helping us stay or get on track with the best plan God has for us.
People thought Saul was a prophet when he came into contact with the Spirit and he wasn't a great king. If you come into contact with the Spirit just what might God say to you or through you? Exciting!

Did you catch Part 1 of this Blog Series? Click here

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