Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Round Tuit

On a friends family kitchen wall growing up was a thing called a Round Tuit.
After staying there a few times my curiosity got the better of me and I was keen to figure what it really was. From a distance all I call see was a title. The description engraved on it required a closer inspection. 
Leaning across the bench and the waiting dirty dishes one day, I began to read a little blurb. Even though I was very young I understood the idea being played around with... "I'll get around to it"
Some adult in the family was trying maybe to remind themselves not to live by that mantra.
I think it is great advice for us following Jesus as well!

A key I have learnt with God is to do what you might feel He is prompting you straight away.
When we say we will get round tuit, the reality is that we generally don't. That is because the longer you wait...
- The less intense the feelings of needing to get round tuit can become.
- Sometimes the guilt of not doing it pushes you further from God.
- When we regularly say to God by our words and / or actions we will do it later, we can create a habit of it by mistake.
- If you are not following through on His promptings you will deafen yourself little by little spiritually.

So, has God prompted you to do something recently?
Have you been possibly using a Round Tuit?

Don't lean on your own understanding. 
Base what you decide to do on your trust in His love and grace.
Remember that God responds to faith. Simple as that.
The more we remove the round tuits from our life the more real, the more big our God becomes. 
Be brave and go with what God asks you to do - I promise you that you won't regret it!

Something to think about...

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