Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ebbs & Flows

The simple definition of that funny old phrase I think is this...
'The ups and downs, the changing pace, the fluctuations in the tides of your life'.

You probably are just as aware as me that life in Christ doesn't excuse you from the ebbs and flows of life itself. In fact I think it makes it more apparent, but also puts us potentially in a better place to deal with it.

I was thinking about this during the week so far and eventually starting pondering the early disciples.
For me they are such a mirror for us and the Church. Made up of many personalities, giftings, backgrounds and approaches. Thrust together only because of a shared faith in Christ. They never chose each other, but Christ himself chose them...

Now can I ask you to think for a moment about these scenarios?
When they were experiencing the best of Jesus ministry, seeing miracles and lives changed, where were they?
When they were sitting under His teaching, where were they?
When after Jesus is crucified and to their minds, everything seemed lost, where were they?

The simple answer is - together!

Apart from when briefly they were dispersed during Jesus arrest and initial torture, they were always together.
They were together watching Jesus heal a man lowered threw some poor guys roof.
They were together watching Jesus feed the thousands in a remote part of Israel.
They were together even when sent out to try out what Jesus had taught them, as they went in pairs.

If indeed they are a window of the Church, what can we learn about dealing with the ebbs and flows of life? That possibly the biggest key to dealing with them is by simply being together.
Can I encourage you to not get sucked into the culture of our time which screams "prove yourself"?
Your life in Christ was never designed for a moment to be lived outside of godly relationship with fellow disciples.
When you have something to celebrate - it should be with your brothers and sisters.
When you have something to commiserate - it should also be with your brothers and sisters.

You probably already know the drill "don't give up meeting together" the scripture famously is quoted...
Let's be 'together people'. Let be people 'together' during our ebbs and flows.

Something to think about...

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