Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Season?

I am probably like most of us and make decisions about my life based on the season.
Those seasons can be predicated around the good old spring, summer, autumn, winter variety.
They can be also be based on the spiritual, emotional and physical seasons we all navigate along life's journey.

We have a little tradition in our household where we have a selection of winter or summer only clothes. Preparation for each of these seasons means swapping over what is stored in our wardrobe and drawers. It kind of makes sense really. No point wearing summer clothes in winter...

I have also been learning over the last few years to better navigate the other seasons of my life.
To be honest I don't always get the response right to these, but I am determined to keep working on it. More on that another time...

When it comes the Gospel - there is no such thing as seasons!
There is always sowing, watering and harvesting.
And God graciously and amazingly asks us to be part of the process.

Paul encouraged Timothy with these words...
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season
2 Timothy 4:2 niv
So it doesn't matter what season we think it is, but that God can save!
I love that...

He promises us that the harvest is plentiful and that He will water the words of faith we share.
He declares through His promises that He desires all to be saved and come to the knowledge of Christ!

With this in mind, can I encourage you to look at the seasons a little differently?
Be mindful of the ones we see moving perpetually through our journey.
But also ignore the idea that there is a good or bad time to share the love of Christ with someone who doesn't know Him yet.
Be expectant for God encounters.
Prepare yourself in whatever way can.
Be ready to share the hope you have with others.
And let us see a greater harvest than we have ever seen before...

That excites me and I hope it excites you?

Something to think about...

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