Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 04 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Withdraw"

I woke up far too early today and after a while of just lying there thought I would listen to the radio.
Every moment of talk and comment was filled with Corona virus talk, seasoned fully with fear to flavour it up. It didn’t help me at all!

As I was spending time eating my breakfast, thinking and praying, I was reminded about what Jesus would do when the world around him brought pain and or drama.
He would withdraw.
Scripture tells us that Jesus would often withdraw to "lonely places" (no one else around to distract him, no tasks to do), with nothing else except time with His Father in Heaven...

It is also recorded that when the news of his cousins death was reported to him, that it very much effected him.
His cousin is pretty famous in the gospel narrative.
John the Baptist as we call him.
This is a the cousin who jumped in his mother’s womb at the news of Mary, Jesus mother being pregnant.
This is the cousin who he grew up and saw Him at extended family gatherings.
This is the cousin who baptisted Jesus and then witnessed the Holy Spirit coming upon him, the voice of God speaking over his life.
This is the cousin who heard all the amazing reports of what Jesus was doing, that He was who he had been preaching about...
I really do believe that they would have had a pretty close bond.
And when John died, Jesus couldn’t just carry on like nothing had happened.
He needed His Father in that moment...

Jesus even said this one day...
"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31 NIV

And as the writer of Song of Solomon simply says...
"Come away, my beloved..." Song of Solomon 8:14 NIV

Maybe this moment you are facing is affecting you a little stronger than you would like?
Maybe it is causing anxiety, even fear to bubble up for you?

Can I suggest today and any other moment of any other day, that you 'come away with Him'?
Just get away for a moment to breath.
Take a moment to be in His presence.
Pour our heart and then listen to His voice in return.
Ask him to refill you with His Spirit and to pour peace on your soul.

I believe He will meet you in a special way when you do.
That choice to come away with him will be for you exactly what you needed!

Something to think about...

[ For a Video Version of this Simple Thought click here ]

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