Thursday, January 09, 2020

Language Barrier?

Some time ago I got to travel a long way from New Zealand to two amazing locations: Russia and Japan.

As I travelled to Russia I looked through a Travel Phrase Book in the 24 hours+ it took to get there, interspersed with movies and sleeping. Needless to say I was pretty unprepared.
As I travelled to Japan I carried a Travel Phrase Book that I bought at the airport just before I boarded my flight. As we came into land I discovered I was sitting next to an Japanese English teacher. Needless to say I wasted my opportunity and was pretty unprepared.

On both those trips I couldn't tell you what people were saying to me. I could only guess.
There was opportunity to learn and I was to be honest, too lazy to take those opportunities up.
While entertaining at times it probably made things harder for me than they needed to be.

I have been thinking about this today in regards to our faith and following Jesus. Do we make thinks harder for ourselves by not understanding the language?
I am not talking about "christianese" which is the jargon / language we use in religious circles. I am talking about the language of heaven. How God speaks to us. What His voice sounds like.

I want to encourage you today to not make the mistake other believers do...
Travelling through life hoping to understand God speaking, listening for the Holy Spirit and His promptings and leadings, wrestling with this as they don't understand the language.
As simple as it might sound you already have a Travel Phrase Book available. It is His Word, the scriptures as found in a great modern translation of the Bible.

Just start somewhere and slowly work your way through the Bible every day.
Maybe use a great reading plan?
Find a translation that works for you?
And let your vocabulary grow over time and at a pace that is sustainable. You will break through any language barrier!

Something to think about...

PS If you want help with a Bible Translation or Reading Plan I would be honoured to help you. Simply email me by clicking here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very good article and good reminder to us to get our phrase book out and learn the language.