Wednesday, July 04, 2018


“And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me,” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:29‬ ‭niv‬‬

I absolutely love this verse and what it implies for you and for me!
Reading it this week, it really lept off the page and hit me between the eyes.
God wants to confer something pretty special to you!
Every translation says the same thing with an equally powerful word, appoint (KJV), assign (ESV), grant (NLT)...I just like the power and meaning of confer.

Think about it for a moment, God wants to confer on you what He gave Jesus.
What did He give Jesus?
The ability to to hear exactly what He was wanting to say, when He wanted to say it.
Opportunity to operate beyond human restriction and ability.
Positioned Him above every rule and authority. And so much more!
Now consider again that this is exactly what Jesus is saying God wants to do for you and how you can live and breath and be...

You are not little “your name”, you are Gods kid given everything you need to change the world.
The same Holy Spirit that anointed Jesus to preach, teach, and display the greatness of God is available to you. Available so you can do exactly the same things!
That is why he said you can do...because you can do...don’t limit yourself to your understanding or false humility. Live up to and operate in the high calling of God and accept the role conferred to you today!

Something to think about...

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