Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#blessed 01

There was something that became mockingly part of christian and entertainment culture in the last while...#blessed.
If something good happens you tweet #blessed.
If something opportunistic happens you tweet #blessed.
All this hashtag thing got me thinking after reading some things Jesus said recently.
How does a blessed life actually work?
If there something I can do to make it a reality for myself?
Or is it something that just happens because I am doing my best to follow Jesus?

Jesus actually taught on how to be #blessed.
Sitting on a hill and speaking to anyone curious enough to listen. Little by little, sentence by sentence, step by step He paints a clear pattern and picture for us today.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:3 niv

I think the Kingdom of Heaven is deliberately set up to care!
If your life is a mess?
If bad stuff has happened or is happening to you?
If you are struggling with your past?
If you are wrestling with your fears, thoughts or doubts?
Whatever is not cool in your life, the Kingdom of Heaven is ready to answer!

Over the 20 plus years of getting having the honour of ministering to others, it seems to me that the bigger the thing that is robbing your spirit, the bigger God shows up and acts on your behalf.
Invite Him...let Him...

If you are feeling "poor in spirit" in any way today, please know all of heaven is ready of you!
Angels are being sent to minister to you.
Opportunity to experience the goodness of God is at hand for you.
It is yours right now. Grab it!

May you be truly #blessed today!
Something to think about...

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