Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I have a little friend who lives in my office cupboard.
Sometimes I just find I need him to keep going.
His name is Foam Roller. First introduced to me when I had some leg problems from simply doing the same things week after week.
I wasn't doing anything wrong. It is just that I needed this foam roller to roll out the kinks in my leg muscles.

You and I can be going along in our faith and assuming just by keeping on going, everything should be ok. But at the same time you recognise some issues. You are not quite sure what to do about them.
The good news for you and me is that God certainly knows how to get the repetitive kinks out...He sometimes uses a little pressure, a little help us on our journey.

The idea behind the foam roller is that I roll it up and down my legs using my body weight.
The pressure while uncomfortable on sore muscles, actually brings about some release.
I have discovered again and again that God uses pressure from somewhere or something against my faith to actually help me. Whether it be an test or a trial, a challenge or a crisis...God promises to use everything for my good.

Maybe this week you feel some 'spiritual tightness'?
Maybe after a season of repeating good things, you sense a change is needed?
Don't throw away your confidence by stopping your 'good doing', but simply trust God to help get the kinks out.
Please don't run away from allowing God an opportunity to help you and grow you.
Stay close in prayer and relationship and let the 'God Roller' be your friend...

Something to think about...

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