Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Psalm 77

So you want to see God at work in your life?
That is a great thing to desire I think.
It is something every Pastor dreams of for the people they minister to. That they discover who God truly is and who they and He can be together...

So how do you go beyond this great idea to seeing it become a reality?

There are a number of things I could say in answer to that, but let's start with a key idea.
Honesty. Honesty makes a lot of difference...

When I was young my Mum and Dad were preparing one Saturday late afternoon for a dinner party they were hosting that night. Dad had tidied up around the outside of the home. Mum focused on the inside and the traditional role of food prep.
We were told repeatidly to not mess anything up or do things that would make their preparations more difficult than they already were.
The invariable did happen though. I somehow managed to break a window in the door everyone would be coming through. I remember trying to lie about it saying it wasn't me. Tried to hide beside a toy I was holding as though that would help me avoid the reality of what I had accidentally done.
It was not cool for me or my Mum as we wrestled away with who was to blame.
Eventually I was honest. It was a little uncomfortable.
But something strange happened. It seemed to resolve the situation and we moved on.

If you want to see God at work in your life...
If you want to sense Him more, maybe even discover His blessing over it, then honesty is a key to seeing that become a reality.

What always strikes me about reading the Psalms, is just how raw and honest they are.
I have many times wondered why they share so much information. Why mention pain? Why mention failing? Why mention a sense of not finding God at work as expected?
Read them carefully and you will see that honesty lead the writer somewhere, normally to a place of revelation, of healing and of moving forward in God.
Psalm 77 is known as one of the Psalms of Lament (you can check it out here).
The writer sings their heart to God. And in the process feels closer to God because of their honesty.
Maybe being truly honest with God today is something that could help you see Him more in your life?

Something to think about...

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