Wednesday, June 01, 2016


“Break my heart for what breaks yours 
Everything I am for Your kingdoms cause”

I am still thinking about these words after mentioning them in a message I preached recently.
They if you don't know, make up some lyrics to a song we used to sing in Church a few years ago.

It is dangerous to say things to God. Why?
He is always listening.
Our words are important to Him.
Your prayers are as powerful as Elijah's were several thousand years a go

I have recognised lately that a lot of my prayers are based on these to thing:
1. What I want
2. What I don't like

Something seems to happen after walking with Jesus for a while.
We can go from wanting to do anything we can for Him, so grateful for His saving work and grace in our lives, to wanting God to meet every need...and now!

Maybe it is circumstances, sometimes teaching we have received, maybe even a season in life?
Whatever it is I love the challenge we have been presented with over these last few weeks...
How much are our prayers revolving around what we want as opposed to what God might want?
What would happen if we prayed Search Me, Break Me or Send Me?

Can I encourage you to take some time this week to really consider praying these powerful and ultimately dangerous prayers with me?
Then I need to you be 'strong and very courageous' and follow through on whatever the Lord shows you, speaks to you, opens up to you...
You will change and grow more doing that than many other activities in your faith!

Something to think about...

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