Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I am unfortunately for my wife one of 'those guys'...
A guy who will wear his socks, undies etc until they have either fallen apart or are no longer recognisable as such. Yip - too much information!

Sometimes things just need replaced.
Even if you are used to them or can cope with them, a replacement is better.
I have to admit again to my shame that Suze is always right (please don't tell her), I should have replaced them way before I eventually chose to!

I shared this passage on Sunday with our Church...
Let the Lord Jesus Christ be as near to you as the clothes you wear. 
Then you won’t try to satisfy your selfish desires. Romans 13:14 cev

I think it is such a cool picture of what should be valued in our lives!
It is a cool way of helping to explain a principle. That the closest thing to us can and should be Christ. It leaves no room for baggage, history or sin.
It covers us with something better. Jesus is the best replacement!

Is there something you need to replace in your life this week?
I am not talking about socks and undies, but things of greater influence and or importance.
Maybe fear has been covering you? That unhealthy fear, where you fear for your future. Fear that cripples or even paralyses you. That takes away from the enjoyment of life and what you have around you right now.
Check out what John wrote "...perfect love drives out fear" 1 John 4:18 niv
It is a replace type thing.

In John's Gospel he tells us this important statement that is pivotal to our faith!
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; 
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  John 10:10 niv

Jesus is the ultimate replacement for whatever you are facing that is not right, or is worn out, or is out of shape in your life right now!
Look to Him and what He can do.
Put Him on your life and see what He can do for you...

Something to think about...

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