Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Sounds Obvious But...

This may sound obvious but...I take my life quite seriously!

If you know me, you will know I like to have some fun as well.
But I decided a long time a go to take responsibility for who I am, what I do, and what will potentially come from my life.

This week I am flying to Wellington (got cheap as flights) to meet with my mentor.
I am also taking time out to seek God, to pray and think. I can't wait!
All because I want to hear from God and make really good choices about my immediate future.

Over the last few months I have been looking at my diet and fitness a lot more closely.
I have sacrificed some things I know weren't the best for be in a better physical state.
All because I need a body that will not fight me every time I want to step out in faith.

For nearly a year now I have been working my way through a Bible reading plan that will mean I will meet a huge goal. I know from experience that I can not trust myself to just do it. I have had to be disciplined and intentional.
All because I want to be a man of God who can use his sword well!

I think of scriptures like these as I type this:
"Fight the good fight of the faith..."
"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them..."
"...continue to workout your salvation with fear and trembling."

My faith is not some passive thing...and it was never meant to be!
I take it seriously and I live my life for Christ as passionately and as purposefully as I can!

Can I encourage you to take a moment after reading this?
Think about your life and ask God if there is anything you should put some more umph into so that you grow in your faith?

Something to think about...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good Locky! Preach it brother. I have joined a gym and started eating low carb and no sugar and am feeling so much better for it. I agree God is able to do so much more with us if we have a willing and able vessel.
