Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Over Sell

I think it is safe to say I am not the only one...
That feeling of being disappointed, when someone over sells you on something. When the reality of what you get isn't matched by the pitch that got you there.

I have a laundry list of examples from my own life, but here are a few to get your brain juices flowing a bit:

One the biggest gripes I have had in the last 10 years is fast food places and the difference between the picture and the actual product.
It looks awesome and sometimes even nutritious. But when you unwrap your burger, it never matches the picture. Not even close.
The amount of product is always less than advertised!

Has anyone ever told you about a certain movie was amazing, but when you saw it, it really wasn't that amazing to you...

Most naughty stuff I have ever done seemed good, if bad...and eventually left a bad taste in my mouth.
Getting drunk years a go was kind of fun, but then visiting the porcelain telephone for hours after isn't!
Friends sold me on the fun of it...the reality came back to haunt me.

You are maybe wondering why I threw this one in here?
Well, some people have over sold Church.
They have told others how amazing and wonderful and perfect it is to get people to come or to stay.
The reality is that Church is people. And people by nature have issues. So it can never be perfect in that sense.
Now I am ok with that personally. Church is one of my favourite things in the whole world. Jesus even said it would be the hope of this world.
Over sell is a recipe for disappointment for all of us.
When you promote the created over the creator, you risk a whole lot of trouble...

So what an I getting too here?

You and I are the same. We hate over sell!
It stinks. It leaves you disappointed. It makes you feel ripped off.

I think you have to realign yourself to avoid the pitfalls of others and their over sell techniques and plans.
Here is the rub...
Jesus has never over sold anything!
He said what He was going to do and He did it.
In the Gospels you never see him promise something to His disciples and not deliver.
He never told them that life would 'super fun' following Him...he simple offered them the opportunity.

Therefore for me the antidote to all this over sell rubbish is simple...
It is for me simply Jesus.
I fix my eyes on Him and I am not disappointed.
I put my trust in Him and I am not let down.
I give my all for Him and to Him and I am not ripped fact I gain even more.

I don't think you can over sell Jesus, but you can over sell the side show and opinions!
Please don't let what others have over sold you on rob you of what Jesus wants to offer you.

Something to think about...

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