Wednesday, April 06, 2011


For me there is a huge sense of irony to some of life right now…

Just in the last 24 hours we have a new video clip for the whole world to watch of a celebrity losing the plot over some missing paint and sponges.
On one hand it is a visual record of someone losing all self control and making a complete fool of themselves.
On the other hand, the producers of the show he is part of are now rubbing their hands together with glee, knowing that ratings will go up and they will get a big fat financial bonus.

It is like there is reward for something wrong…
It certainly got me thinking about me. As I watched part of the clip (and turned it off) I felt really uncomfortable about it. I don’t want to be the sort of person who gets some pleasure from others peoples misfortune or entertained by others character issues.

Maybe that is the point?
When you spend all your time looking at others and not yourself it can be easy to forget about you. You notice everyone else’s issues and not your own. You focus on what they can or can’t do. You can even become cynical and critical.

Jesus said one day to some people to ignore the speck in someone else’s eye and sort out the plank in our own eye. Simply meaning that we all have issues and things we are dealing with. But the most important thing is you focus on your own. Deal with your own stuff and get help if you need it.
The cool thing there is that is exactly what God loves to help us with!
Being entertained by someone’s speck will never help you! Going to God and asking for help and the grace to deal with our that is a way better idea.

Something to think about…

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