Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I am in danger of being over simplistic with what I am about to say...but I am sure you will get the point…

I have been thinking about something today and have come to realize that the relationships we have with
people, discovering who they really are, comes down to two levels.

When you meet someone, first impressions seem huge.
We judge people on their looks.
What they are dressed like. What they look like.
How good looking...that sort of thing.
In a short space of time we figure out someone’s
personality and their obvious talents...

The next level is when we judge someone’s character.
Character I have found is more about who a person is rather than their looks, personality or talents.
When we find out more what a persons character is like, we then decide if this person is really someone we want to invest ourselves in.

God cares about those first impression things, but cares way more about the character part!
Character counts above everything else.
It doesn’t matter how good looking and talented you are...without good end up lonely.

So maybe today, take a few seconds to think about your character? What others would say about it if they could, and we wouldn’t get too offended? Pretty challenging!!!
Maybe ask God to grow your character and mould it.
What do you think?

Something to think about…

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