Thursday, May 20, 2010


There is a character called The Merovingian in the Matrix Movies.
He is a bit of a dodgy French guy (please note, I am not saying the French are dodgy, just this character) and he starts to philosophy in one of his conversations.
“Have I told you before there is no escaping the nature of the universe? Is it that nature that has again brought you to me. When some see 'coincidence', I see 'consequence'. When others see 'chance', I see 'cause'.”

Due to some events in my life this week and how they tied into my past...they got me thinking about this thing we call coincidence.
Let me explain…

As I was working on this thought on Wednesday, my reading for the day from E100 was about Joshua and what God said for him to be as the new leader of his people.
That is the same passage God gave us when we were looking at whether he wanted us to move to Taupo.
I was reading it on the same date I said yes 365 days before.
How crazy is that?
How random you could say?
Maybe you could say it means nothing?
Or that it is just a coincidence?

I am wandering around the resource area of the conference I am at on Tuesday and I bump into a guy I hadn’t seen for many years.
We get talking and find out that a course we are thinking of running later this year is actually headed up by him for New Zealand. I had no idea!
How crazy is that?
How random you could say?
Maybe you could say it means nothing?
Or that it is just a coincidence?

Maybe what we call coincidence is not just some strange event at all?
Maybe it is not some thing that nature or the universe made up?
But could it be the creator of nature and all of the universe arranging things exactly for our benefit?

I personally think God is at work for us more than we will ever realize. He is looking after His kids and making all the right days, times and ‘appointments’ work to our benefit and for His glory.

Something to think about…

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