Wednesday, April 07, 2010


I can’t help it…
Several days after Easter and I am still thinking about it.
Maybe it is the recovery from a long weekend?
Maybe it is the sugar detox I am now trying to be on?
Whatever it is, I guess it can’t be a bad thing to think about?

There is this moment in the whole story where part of the temple in Jerusalem was damaged. Namely the Veil.
Matthew recorded it like this…
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split.
Matthew 27:51 (New International Version)

What was the moment?

The moment where Jesus died…

And what does it mean?

It is really quite important!
Up until that time the veil was always a barrier.
From the days of Moses until then, it was a barrier
between the presence of God and everyone else.
Only the appointed priest could go behind the barrier, and even then for only a short while to perform certain tasks.

The big deal in the moment is this…
God gets rid of the barrier between us and Him and says no more! No more will only a special someone have that privilege! We all now get that opportunity.
We get a chance to see God for ourselves.
To have access to His presence.

We finally get to see God…
And what is our first impression?
Jesus dead on a cross! God in human form sacrificing himself just to make this all happen.
What an amazing first impression!

Something to think about…

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