Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You are probably all too aware that the end of 2009 is coming rather quickly…
We get to leave the ‘naughties’ as some have nicknamed the decade and head into a new one.
I don’t know about you, but I looking forward to saying that I lived in the ‘twenties’. But I have to wait a little bit longer for that…

With a new year come new beginnings.
You can start again with any area of life we choose.
Many people make big decisions around this time of year because it just seems right somehow.

Some people like to make things we called resolutions.
Here are some interesting stats I found on them...

Forty-five percent of Americans usually set New Year's Resolutions; seventeen percent infrequently set
resolutions; thirty-eight percent never set resolutions.
Eight percent are always successful in achieving their resolutions; nineteen percent achieve their resolutions every other year; forty-nine percent have infrequent success; twenty-four percent (one in four) never
succeed and have failed on every resolution every year.
Thirty-eight percent set resolutions related to weight.
Thirty-four percent set resolutions related to money.
Thirty-one percent set resolutions related to
The younger you are, the more likely you are to achieve your resolutions.
The less happy you are, the more likely you are to set New Year's resolutions.
There is actually no correlation between happiness and resolution setting/success

Stephen Shapiro, "Interesting New Year's Resolution Statistics," Stephen Shapiro's 24/7 (

I am not saying to make a resolution or not.
That is not my goal here.
I guess what I would like to say is...why not go back to the source of everything any how, and ask him for whatever help you may need.
Then the ball is in his court.
You can then rest in the grace he freely gives you.
And rock into a new year with confidence that God will help you to have a great year!

Something to think about…

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