Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I bet there is a lot you don’t know about me!

And I can guarantee there is a lot I don’t know about you…

I think that is exciting!

Now I am not excited that I have secrets from you.
I am not hiding the fact I am some axe wielding maniac!
It is just that you and I have something awesome to share beyond what we already know about each other.

I think I know what you are now thinking…
That as you read down this simple thought I am going to share with you some of my secrets?
That I might tell you some crazy new story?
Well I am not going too!
That is not the deal I am offering you today.

The Bible says this about our relationships…

...your faith will help me, and my faith will help you.
Romans 1:12 (new century)

The story of your journey in life so far can actually help me, and mine can help you.
You simply can’t get this help from a distance, or from another source. It is simple human interaction, the giving and sharing of our lives, that enriches us all.

Maybe this week you could find someone to share with?
Invite someone for a coffee?
Visit someone you haven’t seen for a while?
Whatever it is, please know you need it, and they need it.

Something to think about…

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