Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Apparently today was a special day…
The date and time did something that had never been done before, where it was 09:09am on the 09/09/09.
I have no idea what that means.
Or if there was something special spiritual significance, beyond a quirk in our clock and date systems…
But a little fun none the less.

There is something about us that looks for meaning in the small things.
Just recently I saw a website where one of the sections was headed up ‘be the change’.
It is a nice phrase with plenty of meaning.
It is a quote from another guy many years a go now, and people (especially Christians) have latched on to it, flogging it for all its worth.

In a job I had some years a go now, the walls around the board room and offices were lined with little phrases.
The management had gone to a lot of trouble to display them as each one was typed up and well presented in frames.
They said things like…
“Plan the work, work the plan”
“You can avoid frustration by simple preparation”
“You get what you go for”

All good I guess, but after a few views you start to ignore them. Even though they invade your line of sight each day, you start to not notice them.

I reckon Jesus had some good one liners as well!
He said things like…
“Get behind me Satan” now that was a good one!
“Come follow me”
“Neither do I condemn you”
“What do you want me to do for you?”

Don’t just take my word for it, how about checking some of them out for yourself this week. Grab a gospel and have a read.

I personally think the one liners we can read from God can have a bigger impact on our lives then any other quote...

Something to think about…

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