Thursday, March 20, 2008

As I type this I am sooo strung out!
Before I went to an appointment at 12:30 I had 2 cups of plunger coffee.
Then on arrival at the café where we arranged to meet at, I had 2 double shot flat whites one after the other.All on an empty stomach and without a gap in between…

Now I am flipping out.
I am talking too fast.
People thing I have lost it … hehehehe

While pondering how silly I have been, a thought came to me…funny that!
It really does make a difference what goes into our bodies or our lives in general. How what we allow in, has an effect on us. Sometimes good, and sometime like now….bad.
To be honest I having trouble typing this due to the shaking!

You probably all know that different food and drinks effect your body.
It can give you energy or it can make you unwell, especially if you eat too much. Some things out there can alter your mind or worse.
But you are more than a body. You have a soul and a spirit as well.
What you let into your life will effect them as well.

The Bible even uses a term to help explain how this works for things we look at.
It calls our eyes gates. (Luke 11:34-35)
Gates let things in or stop things from entering.
What we choose to let into our lives can do us good or do us harm.
Just as the things you eat will effect you body, the things you see will effect your soul and/or your spirit.

Now I don’t have anything profound to say to wrap this up…
I think you are probably understanding where I am coming from.
As you go through Easter and the rest of 08, don’t forget to think about what you put into yourself. It will have an can’t change that.
But you do have a the power to choose.

Something to think about...

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