Thursday, October 19, 2006

This week a well known celebrity created a world wide stir.
They have apparently adopted a little African boy, and everyone has an opinion on whether it is good or bad!

It seems the boys father was not consulted.
The grandmother is not happy.
Others argue that it is good, because this little boy will have opportunities beyond his wildest dreams.
Those cynical amongst have questioned the $6,000,000 given to an orphanage as part of some sort of an adoption deal.

Driving in my car and listening to talk back radio, I heard all these opinions and more...

A simple thought occurred to me listening to these people…

The Bible says that we should “do good” Galatians 6:9

God’s plan is that all of us should do the good that we find we can do.
If an opportunity presents itself to help, then we should be the first to do so.

No one can complain with any integrity when we do something unselfishly, even sacrificially.

Sometimes (not as often as I should) I have come across situations where I could choose to do something good or carry on my way.
Things as simple as picking up a toy a child has dropped in the supermarket and returning it.
Or helping someone with a door as they carry too much to do it themselves.

Because of the fact that the world we live in is cold and hard...random, even simple acts of goodness, really stand out those who receive them.

One writer in the Bible said that “Jesus went around doing good”

Let’s be prepared to do good to those around.
Be on the look out to be Jesus to those around you.

You have no idea the impact it could have on someone’s life!

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