Tuesday, March 05, 2019


Regularly I hear two sounds when I am outside our house.
The flutter of parachute canopies opening and lots of wahoo!

We live very close to an airport and the skydive drop-zone.
When I heard it again this week it got me thinking...
Most of us want our faith to have wahoo in it.
Wahoo is a measure for excitement expressed through a vocal outburst. Something you don't want to hold back from uttering because it reflects just how excited you are.

The last thing I want for myself or for you is our faith to be boring.
There needs to many moments of wahoo over your faith journey!
Which got me thinking - how do you have them?
How do you make sure there is wahoo?

Very simply, one key guarantees wahoo for you!
Stepping out in faith by doing something that scares you.

When you jump out a plane doing a tandem skydive you are both excited and scared at the same time. Trust me in this, I have experienced it for myself.
You have faith in your jump master who you are attached to.
You have faith in their faith that the chute will open just as planned.
There is always faith and a little bit of scared.

If you are looking for wahoo right now can I make a few suggestions for you?

Instead of attending a Church, actually be the Church.
- Left you hands in worship, really participate!
- Sing with passion
- Give generously
- Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you all the way through the service and especially the teaching time
- Find someone to talk to after the service time closes
Trust me, if you actually engage completely there will be a wahoo for you.

Instead of looking at the world around you, be engaged with the world around you.
Do you know someone who is unwell or going through a tough time, why not offer to pray for them? Sure they might say no, but will more than likely say yes.
And how much wahoo would there be when God does a miracle?

Do you know someone who is lost? - offer them Jesus in a way they can relate to.
Yours and their wahoo is waiting just around the corner.

We all are little scared at times, but when you add faith you ultimately get the wahoo!

Something to think about...

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