Wednesday, March 20, 2013

catch phrase theology

Great quotes or inspiring catch phrases are fantastic...
I read them, get inspired by them and pass them on where I can.
I have noticed sometimes that quotes or little catch phrases while useful can also be dangerous.
Because if they are based on a segment of our theology, the teaching we want to embrace...sometimes they become islands to themselves.
When that happens, the catch phrase can become powerful and the rest of scripture from where it may have come, potentially gets ignored.

Sounds a little dramatic does it?

In the 90's people used to talk about 'winds of theology'. Used to explain that sometimes certain theology got emphasis over others. Was popular for a season in time.
Great examples were the faith movement or other experiential movements.
There was plenty of validity in them, but taken too far, your lose sight of the rest of our theology and follow a fad or a wind.

Today I read a catch phrase...
Sinners didn't kill Jesus, religious people did.

People are liking it on Facebook. Others will be sharing it around their friends.
But as I sat looking at it...I wondered if it was a good thing to say?
If you read the account of Jesus life where he actually gave it up, you don't read it quite like this phrase implies.
To me it makes it sound like Jesus was simply the victim of some conspiracy.
That the main reason He died even was because religious people are all jerks.

I would say this...
I am a sinner and you are a sinner...
Sinners killed Jesus.
And religious people were the tool for that to happen.

Because when I look at the whole of scripture as best I can, that first catch phrase while having some element of truth, just isn't enough to convey how amazing this Jesus is to me!
Jesus didn't simply die because some religious leader got offended.
Jesus died because of my sin!
It didn't sneak up on Him like He was unaware it would happen.
Jesus planned to give His life this way before I was even born, so that I could have forgiveness and relationship with my God now.
While religious people played a very sad sin played an even bigger part!

Why say all this?
2 reasons...
One, to encourage you to examine all of our faith and all of our theology. Don't settle for catch phrase theology so that you grow in your faith, rooted and secure.
Second, to remind you that our Jesus is amazing! And I can never simplify His love and power to a catch phrase. God help me if I do!

Something to think about...

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