Wednesday, March 13, 2013

am i "gifted" enough?

If you have been around Christians and Church for more than a few minutes you will have heard people talking...
Talking about what "gifting" they have.
Talking about discovering their "gift" or "gift's".
It even seems that if you have more than one, then God really likes you or something?
Even the world around us talks like this. They see someone like a sports star and say they are very "gifted" in that particular field of endeavour.

God gives His people "gifts".
Each one is given by the grace He has for each one of us personally. And I am a firm believer that each follower of Jesus should desire them and use them to His glory.

The flip side of all this talk is actually how limiting it can end up being for God.
While these are something special from God, they were never supposed to be a limitation on what a follower of Jesus can be or do.
The gift or gifts sometimes become labels that some use as even an excuse. You might have heard someone say "that is not my gifting"...with as much sincerity as they can muster.

I am not saying that if you are not "gifted" musically that you should join the worship band. What I am saying is that if you are "gifted" musically then you shouldn't just limit your involvement in Gods Kingdom to just that...

Here is a great example from the Bible!
Nehemiah 3:8 niv
Uzziel son of Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths, repaired the next section; and Hananiah, one of the perfume-makers, made repairs next to that. They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.

These people were "gifted" in working with gold and making perfume...but their desire to serve God went far beyond their "giftedness".
That help, that ministry, that service was in helping Nehemiah rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.
You don't see them saying, "wall building is not my gifting".
You do see them getting stuck into building something for the Kingdom beyond themselves and the "gift" they have.

I think a lot of us could learn something from this?
I think it is a huge challenge to the so-called modern christian...

Something challenging to think about...

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