Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I think people want to be attractive.
This is not just a women’s issue or thing…
Most people want to be attractive, not just to get that special relationship with someone, but for friendship and relationship in general.

Typically we look at what we think might make us more attractive and focus on that.
Get some new ‘threads’.
Update your car.
Try a new hairstyle.
All of which focuses on the external of ourselves.

What I think makes people attractive is not just the outside, but the very deepest part of our inside.
Something that many call ‘spirit’.
The Bible seems to back that idea up. In fact it puts phrases with ‘spirit’ to help illustrate just what sort of ‘spirit’ we should have, and what will ultimately make us more attractive to others.

Words like contrite, gentle, truthful, fervent are added to it to encourage us in a certain direction.
While words like fearful, impure, evil paint the opposite picture.

The question I asked myself today was this…
“What sort of ‘spirit’ do I have and what sort would people say that I had?”
I think it is a good question.
A question that adds in a self audit.

It seems to me that what we are on the inside, says the most about the person we really are and how others will see us. It is a true measure of our true attractiveness.

If you think you need to some work done on this area there is an answer, a way forward that goes beyond your own outside efforts to change.
You probably need more of the ultimate ‘spirit’…
The Holy Spirit!
Let more of him into your insides.
Come before God with a right ‘spirit’.
Let him change you from the inside out...

Something to think about…

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