Wednesday, May 11, 2011


A very young boy in a movie a few years back simply leaned over his birthday cake...blew out the candles...and made a wish.
That wish?
That his dad couldn’t lie for just one day!

That movie was a huge hit. Yes because it was funny, but it was also very relatable for everybody watching it. It was because if we were all honest, we have all been or are right now liars.
I haven’t met anyone yet who has never done it.
Our kids have tried to lie many times and as a parent you try and correct and teach from that point.

The world can be confusing for us...
An old boss of mine regularly asked me to lie in order to win a deal. He would say things like “it’s just business”, and I would go away praying asking God to help me find another way.
We regularly watch politicians lie or try to distort the truth for their own means. Sometimes to avoid getting into trouble and sometimes to get what they want.
We see people on consumer shows lie and deceive to avoid doing what is ‘right’.
Some people even watch different forms of entertainment where lies are just part of the plot.

So what about you and me?
Is it ok for a Christian to lie?
At what point does an exaggeration turn into a lie?
There are lots of a questions to this challenging little area.

Well here is the deal…
Don’t do it!
Simple I know, but as someone who is a disciple we are called to a higher standard of behaviour and living in we can indeed be salt to our world.

Colossians 3:9 simply says...Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices

Don’t stone me for bringing this up…
Maybe it is an issue for you or of course ‘someone else you know….’
Let us have our yes be yes and our no be no.
That’s the way Jesus would like us to do things.

Something to think about…

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