Thursday, April 17, 2008

Many of you will now know what we as a church have had to face...and continue to deal with at this time...
The tragedy of losing 7 amazing people from our school, church and our lives.

A simple thought is not enough!
In fact the thoughts you have during these times change continually as you walk through a path not of your choosing.
But one thought we shared last night...I want to share with you now...

The Bible says that we are a body.
You know that if you hurt your finger, you feel it and are aware of it.
It doesn’t happen without you noticing and being affected by it.

The same goes for the situation we now find ourselves in.
Part of our body is hurting, and we are noticing it!
My heart is that we stand together.
That we support each other through this time.
That we cry out to God together. We need him!

If you are wondering how to respond...simply prayer.
If you want to do more, please get involved...We are all pulling together. No one is worrying about departments or their issues.
We are standing together because we are hurt.

We share a hope that no one or nothing could ever take away!

Something to think about?

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