Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What are you waiting for?

Paul is pretty famous in the Bible! But the beginning of his faith journey was pretty dramatic and not at all that smooth and comfortable.
After meeting Jesus supernaturally on a back road, where he actually ended up blind, he finds himself not long after in the home of very godly man.
Check out one of the things this man says to Paul...

And now what are you waiting for? 
Get up, be baptised and wash your sins away, 
calling on his name.’ Acts 22:16 NIV

As I was thinking about what to share with you this week, that phrase was in my spirit.
What are you waiting for?
So right now I wonder what you might be waiting for?

I have noticed many don't have a major issue with being part of a faith based family like a Church or a youth group.
In our christian culture you can many times find it to be a safe place, a place to enjoy, to find meaningful social engagement, even find some entertainment.
As part of this group many then identify as being a follower of Jesus.
Again many don't fuss too much over this "christian thing" during the other 6 days of the week, but come Sunday, if life and opportunities don't attract them elsewhere - they will be back into a Church.

Paul didn't just meet Jesus.
His life was totally transformed by Jesus.
And he wanted nothing else but to be part of Gods big plan!
The last thing he wanted was a safe place, he wanted to respond!

When Ananias uttered those words to Paul he didn't hesitate.
In fact for the rest of his life he continued to repsond.
He spent his days in glorious adventure with God.
God didn't seem to need to remind him to stop waiting and get up...cause he was already gone in a very good way!

So again today - what are you waiting for?
Get up my friend and enter into the Kingdom with everything you have. Don't wait.
People may not write about you like Luke did of Paul, but your life can have a lasting eternal impact if you stop waiting, get moving, believing, acting in faith.
I believe in you and God believes in you even more than that!

Something to think about...

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