Wednesday, June 07, 2017

8 Years

Exactly 8 years a go today our journey of being Pastors of our own Church essentially began.
Armed with more enthusiasm than skill, more passion than a plan, I came to Taupo one Queens Birthday Weekend while my family was in Auckland and led my first Sunday.
I had been part of leading at a Church in Auckland with 1000's of people. Now I had the privilege of stepping out and leading one myself.
30 people turned up that day. 
I didn't care that it wasn't big compared to where I was from, I was just super excited to have God give me a go...

What have I learned?
I have learned so much and yet discovered that I have plenty more to learn.
I probably at a pinch could sum up these last few years pastoring a Church as an 'art'.

I have always believed that following Jesus was supposed to be an adventure of sorts.
Yes it means we can have our sins forgiven and yes we can have our consciences cleared. But it was never supposed to begin and end at that moment of decision.
We are each called to a grand adventure of following Him.
It is a walk of faith not a rest in a garden.

Coming to Taupo was an adventure and it truly still is.
While I have an idea of where we are going there are many gaps that only God can orchestrate and fill.
And that to me my friends is actually truly living!

Beyond my enthusiasm there is also reality.
The reality that while on this grand adventure God has got us on, that life still happens, and not always the way I had planned for myself.

There have been endless highs and lows on this road.
I ask God all the time to invade my reality and with His presence and guidance.
The road may be rocky but it is the road God has put me on.
And I for know I couldn't do a better job than Him planning my lifes journey.

Which leads to the biggest one for me...

If I have learned anything in these last few years it is this...
Trust is the foundation of any great relationship.
To the level I trust God with my life actually dictates the level I am able to operate in it.

I can honestly say my trust has been trialled, tested and shaken all around.
And I can honestly also say that I will continue to trust in Him.
He is with me.
He is faithful.
He planned my life.
He has made me promises.
So I am left with trust. Not on my own understanding, but I on His perfect will. For me to live is Christ!

Maybe some of my journey speaks to you today?
Following Jesus is an art.
Stay the course my friend. Look for the adventure.

Something to think about...

1 comment:

JoyO'S said...

Great learning Locky. Applicable to us all I feel! I hope you feel Taupo can still lead you into more adventures.
Joy O'Sullivan