Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"Getting high on information"

I was driving along this week flicking through radio options and I caught part of a famous song called Californication by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
Please don't stone me and no I not promoting it, it was just on, I heard a line from the song, and it got me thinking...

"...getting high on information..."

It is talking very briefly about a young pregnant lady, sitting at a computer screen, being bombarded with information. That the amount of it is like a drug to her, making her experience something like being high.

We all have a propensity to look for things to fill in the gaps we perceive in our lives. And when we over do them, become obsessed with them, maybe even become addicted them, they in turn can become a drug to us.
I know so many people now not addicted to actually drugs, but in discovering everything they can that is going on in the world, true and untrue. It doesn't actually matter when you are lost in the information addiction. As long as you get a fix - then that is all the matters.

As someone doing my best everyday to follow Jesus and all that implies, too much information from too many sources has never helped me.
I know some argue that we need to keep open minded, but the tipping point for me is when my mind is flooded and it literally is washing away any good thing that was there for me...

Scripture tells me simple things I can understand like :
Be wise - on what on what I let into my life.
Be careful - on what I look at.
Be measured - on how much 'things' influence me.

Can I encourage you to consider for a moment whether you are addicted to too much information?
I am the first to admit that it has been an issue for me personally.
Simplify your life and your faith in Christ and leave the noise behind.

Something to think about...

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