Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jesus aint looking for parrots

Why do I say that?
Because whenever I read about people interacting with Jesus, I am struck by the fact many times He seems frustrated when people simply parrot back what He just said or did...

Here is an example I read this week...

36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 
38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”
“That’s enough!” he replied. Luke 22:36&38 niv

Jesus is in the middle explaining something really important. It is very close to when He is about to give himself up to that Cross. All they can reply to something important is "look Jesus - we have some swords"

On a boat trip sometime before something similar happens...
Jesus is warning His disciples to not get sucked into the religious junk teaching of the time and equating it to yeast. They wonder if all He is talking about is bread? Who was supposed to bring the bread?

When Jesus teaches something, the last thing I think He wants is us to parrot back to him what He said.
He is also not looking for us to respond based on worldly thinking and principles.
I believe He wants us to figure out what it means for us as individuals. What is He saying directly beyond even what He is saying?
He wants us to apply what He teaches based on how the Kingdom of God actually wants to function.

Jesus wasn't asking them to do a stock take of swords.
He was asking them to be prepared. To get ready for action in the Kingdom of God.
He was asking them to prepare for a spiritual battle that was coming their way.

As you look at what He teaches you this week, may it stir you to ask questions?
Ask yourself what He is trying to do in your life...what needs to change or what does He want you to do?
I firmly believe Jesus loves it when we live out in a real and powerful way His word...

Something to think about...

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