Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Good things happen when you... (Part 4)

When I think about my faith and what I truly believe, there is a tension sometimes...
What I mean by that is that there can be a difference between what I want or what I think God wants and what I see as my current reality.
There is a difference.
A gap.
And something inside says..."this needs to change!"

Good things happen when you expect breakthrough!

If we say follow Jesus, if we have decided to make Him Lord, then we are signing up for breakthrough. It goes with the territory...
Contact with Jesus and making Him your No.1 has the power to change any life completely.
Simon the sometime naughty, sometimes presumptuous fisherman became Peter the fisher of men.
Lydia the businesswoman became Lydia the house church leader.
The untouchable leper got healed and was able to return to society.
The blind man on the side of the right expected Jesus could heal him.

When I see those examples and think back to my journey so far, I am reminded that 'in Christ' I can expect breakthrough.
The opposite is always true. Take Jesus away from No.1 and breakthrough comes to be even more elusive, even more frustrating.

I want to encourage you this week to be a man or women 'of faith' ahead of gifting, charisma or mere effort.
That you embrace who Christ is completely and pray for and expect breakthrough in your life.
Breakthrough is what God has always done and who He has always been.
We are invited to be part of His family and live in that reality.

Let's expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.
Because good things happen when we expect breakthrough!

Something to think about...

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