Thursday, January 23, 2014


I was wondering how fast I could go...
"What am I really capable of?" was a question I was asking myself for many weeks.
Now don't get me wrong here, I am not trying to be some super athlete.
I am doing all this for my own enjoyment and health.
So as I lined up for last nights 5K race series, I had actually had no idea what I was capable of.

A man a looooong time ago faced this question over something far more important.
The people he was leading were in need of one of life's necessities, the need for water.
And we are not talking about a family or a business or even a Church, we are talking about a whole nation.
I think Moses reconciled in his our mind what he was capable of doing.
He remembered a day when they were in a similar situation. Where he struck a rock with his staff and the much needed water flowed. To his thinking, that is is what he is capable of, simply what he has done before...

But God wanted him to do more. To act out of an even greater faith.
To not just whack a rock for water, but in the sight of everyone who mattered to him, to actually speak to it.
The problem was that Moses didn't think he was capable of such a faith act, so went back to what he thought he could do. It worked in the surely it could work again?

The trouble many of us have is that we are restricted by our thinking and our past when determining what we are truly capable of.

Do you truly know what you are capable of?
And how does that compare to what God knows you are capable of?

The challenge is two fold I think...
Basing our capability on what God thinks of us.
And having the faith, courage, live up to what he knows we are capable of in Him.

Again I will ask you the questions:

Do you truly know what you are capable of?
And how does that compare to what God knows you are capable of?

Something to think about...

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