Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I keep saying that these thoughts I share are simple and it won’t get much more simple than this one...

I can’t help but feel that part of our current journey started with a little spark.
And that spark was someone praying for us.

What happened was this…
Every 6 months or so I meet with someone that I can share with. This someone isn’t another staff member.
They are someone I can be open with.
To talk about where I am at...that sort of thing.

We met again recently and as part of our conversation we talked about my dreams for the future.
One of those dreams was to one day Pastor my own church. Now I must point out that when I was talking about that, I was thinking quite a few more years away.
It was only a part of the discussion we shared together.

After the conversation ended, he asked if he could pray.
What was I going to say?
Of course not, I love it when people pray for me! he began to pray.

He started by praying that God would open a door so that I could Pastor a church.
I opened my eyes to look at him, thinking dude, why are you praying that?…

The next day, yes the next day I got a call from a member of the elim national leadership team asking if we would consider pastoring the Taupo Church.
The rest is now history!

Simple thought for this week…
God answers prayer!

Something to think about...

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