Thursday, January 25, 2007

When I was growing up I loved the idea of ‘space’…
No not time away from everyone, but that amazing stuff we see more clearly in the night sky!
I grow up on a diet of books, movies and my uncles national geographic magazines about the moon race and landings.
I knew of a comet called Haley and was really looking forward to it coming...but it was a huge disappointment for me. You didn’t see much and it was probably around then that my dream of becoming an astronaut one day died…

Now here we are 21 years later, and a comet is in the sky.
Not a comet that anyone thinks has been past us before, but a one off
special...and boy does it look good.
Jack (my oldest boy) is a huge space fan, and thinks this comet is
‘so amazing’.

Last night Suze and I took the boys and a little friend to the Stardom Observatory. We sat quietly in a presentation learning about how big space is.
My kids were amazed at the stars and how it all seemed to fit together somehow.

Then I have the opportunity to think about what I am seeing…
It is actually quite hard to get your head around!
The whole idea that we live on a planet that in the perspective of the universe is a dust spot.
The Bible even says “that the earth is the Lords footstool”
OK, you don’t see God’s feet hanging over head, but it is a perspective thing.
Just how big is the world outside of our little world?
And how amazing it is that God has shaped all things in his vision to one minute point in
the Cosmos?
That in all the beauty in Gods sight, he chooses to focus on us first and foremost...

So as you look at the final days of McNaught’s Comet...think on how amazing God really is…
How much more important you are too him, than all he has created!

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