A lot of us have been asking what ever happened to that little girl from that scorched almonds television commercial from many, many years ago?
I think in our house we have just about asked this every Christmas for years!
We actually kept asking this question each year - and each year we still didn't have an answer...
Then this week, a local television producer did something about this conundrum.
They got to work researching and amazingly found this little girl - or should I say young lady?
As she is now 21 years older!
I sat there thinking about this last night and a few thoughts have spun through my mind since...
Maybe something from this story mixed with my thoughts, could inspire you and help you at this time?
Someone got off their butt and did it!
That's right, a producer decided to make something happen and it happened.
The reality of life is that answers come most of the time when we put in the effort to finding them.
They don't come so easily when no effort is applied.
If you want some answers from God, then go to Him about it.
I love how His word talks about "finding Him when we seek Him."
Nestle apparently owed her royalties and had been sitting on it for years!
Obviously they hadn't tried that hard to find this lady...
Talking about it only with others who didn't know - left us still not knowing!
A theme I have seen play out too many times, is one of where people question the wrong people for answers they really need in life. If you want answers from someone who doesn't know either, most likely it will leave you still not knowing and actually even more frustrated.
I saw this play out on Facebook again this week.
As usual at Christmas, someone posted a question about what has happened to the scorched almonds girl. There was no lack of response. Everything from how much they liked the advert, to whether they liked scorched almonds, to other random directions in conversation.
In the end, there still was no real answer!
God says about Himself some pretty bold claims.
Things like that He knows how the world was formed and how we were made.
So if He knows that much, it makes sense to talk to Him about the big stuff in life.
And if I have questions to ask another human being about God, I ask people who I believe know more about God and how thing work than me.
I see a parallel here with part of the original Christmas story.
A bunch of people called the Wise Men wanted some answers about a coming Messiah.
They didn't sit there simply pondering it!
They didn't post something on facebook waiting on an opinion!
They Wise Men wanted answers...so they went on a journey that cost them both time and money!
Maybe you have some big questions that will have equally important answers?
Do you need to decide to put some more effort into searching for the answers?
Do you need to change your strategy?
I love how it concludes for the 'Wise Men'!
They find what they were looking for all along.
The same is waiting for you!
Something to think about...