Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I have been so challenged recently, made so uncomfortable, even stirred.
And that is a good thing I think!

Why? Because of what I have been reading.
You see I have stopped reading things (books) I want to read and started reading things that will challenge me to the core of who I am and what I believe. I can't stand the idea of being the same as who I am now for the rest of my life. I am not bad, I just want to keep growing and developing. I want to continue to discover who God really is and grow in relationship with him.
After following Jesus for over 20 years I have realised that on some level I can operate out a learned culture and not solely based on a divine relationship.

With all the material around for Christians to read these days, you can pick and choose until your fingers go numb. How to be a winner, how to be a success, how to live your dreams, how to be financially secure...are all good on some basic level but I have found they can leave a believer in Christ frustrated, bored and unfulfilled.
When I read what I have been reading and look through the Gospels I don't see much about that stuff. What I do see is people passionately following Jesus. Giving their all and being happy to do so. Serving those around them even to some sacrificial level. Being involved with God to bring healing and hope to the world around them. I see my adventure!
That is Christian Cool and not just Christian Culture and comfort.

If you are reading this and feeling frustrated or even bored...personally I don't think that is the life that Jesus saved us for.
Maybe you can be like me and want to actively make sure you life matches the Gospel of Jesus.
Have a read through the Gospels and the Book of Acts in a Bible.
Sit down and talk the things of faith with someone who is a 'grunty' follower of Christ.

Stir it up my friend. Get in the game and never just watch.
That is part of what following Jesus is I think!

Something to think about...

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