Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Decision Making #2

I am being blatantly predicable with this part of this decision making series of simple thoughts. I can be I feel, because even though this key to good decisions may seem obvious, it none the less seems to be forgotten by some of us just when we need it the most.

Decision Making requires God.
Now if you aren't one of us Christian peeps please don't give up on this one. I think you will find this interesting.

To help explain this one as best I can I want to share with you two short stories..
The first is from the Bible and relates to a time over a thousand yours ago. Way way before our time in this world!
It goes along the lines of God is leading his people towards the 'promised land' which ironically is the land he promised...
It is recorded that they only moved when they saw God move and only stopped when God stopped. God lead them in a pillar of fire at night and then a pillar of cloud by day.
Imagine travelled around following I guess what we would think was a very tall and skinny tornado or fire or cloud. It was unmistakeable, undeniable and there for all to see.
When they needed a decision on which way their journey would take them they went where God was going.
Think about that for minute...
They only made a decision when they knew God was in it, God was leading them etc. It had to fit a very small window of criteria for them.

In yours and my life how big is our criteria for making the big decisions?
Are we willing to make moves even when we don't see God in at all?
You may think I am weird saying that to a predominately Christian audience, but trust me when I say many of us struggle to include God in decisions.

Here is story number 2.
A leader over me some years ago had an idea about me starting something in a different town, and no this not Taupo I am talking about...
So over a number of weeks I travelled there. Driving around praying about this idea and trying to hear God was strangely difficult for me. I could not say honestly I had any God sense about the move at all. When I thought about it, my motivation was more about not letting the leader down. In my heart I knew God was not speaking to me to go.
When we eventually talked some time later about it, I found out plans had changed and someone forgot to tell me.
You see, God didn't want me to go so he kept silent about it.
Maybe I wasn't asking the right question in the first place?

The lesson I learnt was powerful and I will never ever forget it...
If God isn't saying for you to do something  - then maybe he isn't saying for you to do something?
If you are praying about leaving your job and you have no God sense about...can I suggest God probably doesn't want you to change your job.
And even when someone offers you an opportunity that looks on paper great and you still have no God sense about it...can I suggest God probably doesn't want you to change your job.

Through history based on His word and through others experiences...making big decisions without God is dangerous!
Chill out a little more than maybe you think you need to.
Take to God in prayer. Ask Him to lead you like He has others over thousands of years. To make His plan and His direction clear.
No answer = no change in my book.

Something to think about...

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