Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Decision Making #3

Have you noticed something strange in life sometimes?
Where you might feel that a decision has been made for you or maybe felt was even a little forced on you?
When it comes to making decisions, sometimes the decision is not as important as you might think. What is really important is looking at our lives as something we hold loosely and letting God guide and lead us in what we consider our circumstances.

Decision Making requires Circumstances.

I read passages like this one below and realise how much God can and would really like to orchestrate the best for me. How circumstances planned by God, create decisions by default, and all for my good!

Psalm 37:23 nlt
The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.

Psalm 37:23 nkjv
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.

Psalm 37:23 niv
The Lord makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him

You probably get the idea!
And it is real simple...
Follow Jesus the best you can, trusting in Him each step of the way...and He will help you stay on course. He will change appointments, direct traffic, organise events, all to help you make the right decision. To the point you sometimes don't even have a decision to make!

When I look at the history of the Church you see this powerfully demonstrated. Check out the book of Acts and you see it all play out...
At a time of huge growth and favour something dramatic happens. At a time where you never see them worrying about vision or the next step, everything changes because of a change in circumstances.
The Church is suddenly persecuted.
People got scattered all over the surrounding area from where they had been.
And all of sudden the circumstances answered the 'what next' decision for them.
And...the Church grew and more lives were ultimately changed.
All because God changed the circumstances...

So if you have a decision to make this week that isn't coming naturally...can I suggest a change in tactic? Stop and pray. Ask God to order the circumstances of your life so that He gets you where He ultimately needs to get you.
You next move is to just keep following Jesus and do the good He asks you to do.
Chill and let God...

Something to think about...

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