Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Decision Making #1

I feel inspired to do a little series of Simple Thoughts around something many have issue with...

Decision Making.

This is not because I am always good at it and I think I have the decision making skill nailed in my life. I just think I have learnt some good ideas along the way that have helped me.
Plus I have met plenty of people over the years who have really struggled to make decisions.
Others have looked good at making them because they did so quickly, with time then showing that it was not the best decision they could make.

So here we go with the first one...

For the sake of our audience I am going to assume that when it comes to decision making, that we all want to include God in the equation?
While I have seen people make the craziest calls in life not caring how God would like us to do something, most followers of Jesus really want to do what is right.

A key I have learnt in regards to this thing is that Decision Making requires Peace.

That's right, it should in the end be a relief on some level to have made a decision.
And with that goal in front of us, that can motivate us to get there as sensibly and quickly as possible. Because a good decision feels good. It brings peace into your life.

The Bible teach us that the peace of God should rule in our hearts, that it should lead us in some way when we need to make a decision.

I have always tried to put this into practice.
Whether it be asking God to give me peace as a guide. Asking the "do I feel on some level this is the right thing to do?" questions.
Sometimes I use peace as a steadier of my soul while I work through the decision making process.
I also try and look past the decision to see how much peace I would have based on that decision. If I know in my heart I wouldn't have peace...then sometimes that is a great indicator not to make that call in my life.

Now I feel I must mention that there can be caution and nervousness, or similar emotions surrounding this. Sometimes we can feel nervous about a decision even when it is the right one that will lead us to peace.

As you will already know, decision making is never science, it is more of an art.
Maybe a key for you is to decide to look at differently?
Treat your next decision as part of your 'life learning process', and try and use the peace that only God can supply as your guide?

Something to think about...

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